Lorem Ipsum

Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse purus velit, pretium et vulputate id, consequat dignissim eros. 

Co-designing Support Networks 

 The systemic shifts brought on by the NDIS over the last five years have changed the landscape of disability support work significantly, leading to a critical shortage of skilled workers across Australia.

To address this we conducted a co-design process across Australia with Disability Support Workers (DSWs), industry representatives, and people with disability, to design and develop a series of professional network pilots to promote and support best practice in disability support work. Three professional networks that were piloted by DSWs. 

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Designing and inclusive grant program

Sydney is a diverse community of peopl from over 200 nationalities who form bonds around identity, interests and place. The local council: The City of Sydney (CoS) recognised that many grant applicants were unable meet the required writing standard and were not able to navigate the complex application process.

We worked with the CoS grants team and the wider operational teams to redesign the grants program and policy to ensure it responded to the increasing diversity of its applicants, including applicants from non-english speaking backgrounds, differing cultural backgrounds and applicants with impairments and/ or situational needs.

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Designing an organisational sustainability plan

This project involved taking an entire organisation on a co-design process intended to shift the sustainability dial to help deliver better social, environmental, economic outcomes. The resulting Port Authority’s Sustainability Plan is the product of this new collaborative approach, acknowledging the important role that staff and stakeholders play in designing and implementing a strategic plan that incorporates contemporary thinking in organisational dynamics, design, and sustainable development.

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Designing future transportation systems

One of Australia’s major cities is in the process of designing a new world class transport system that will radically change how people can engage with the city and play a major role in enabling greener transport choices therefore reducing car dependency. Across multiple projects, we were engaged to conduct research with customers to inform the design of the entire transport system.

The engagement spanned across multiple locations and involved taking a diverse set of customers through the latest designs to understand how it will serve their transport needs and what behaviour changes it may encourage.

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Co-designing future ways of working

Going through cancer treatment can be a life altering event. People often feel a sense of isolation and a desire for greater support.

The healthcare organisation recognised the need to improve the oncology experience with the intent of better informing patient outcomes from diagnosis through to recovery.

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