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Co-designing an organisational sustainability plan aiming to decarbonise and achieve Net Zero
January - July 2020

For: Port Authority of NSW (PANSW)
Project team: Sabina Popin (Senior Service Designer) and myself.

Project summary
This project involved taking an entire organisation on a co-design process intended to shift the sustainability dial to help deliver better social, environmental, economic outcomes. The resulting Port Authority’s Sustainability Plan is the product of this new collaborative approach, acknowledging the important role that staff and stakeholders play in designing and implementing a strategic plan that incorporates contemporary thinking in organisational dynamics, design, and sustainable development.

Port Authority of NSW is responsible for safely delivering 100 Billion dollars worth of trade in and out the State of NSW harbours every year.

Since the implemetation of the sustainability planPort Authority have committed to achieve a 75%  reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 and to reach Net Zero by 2040. These ambitious targets meet or exceed the Science Based Targets Initiative aiming to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius.

Project approach
We led the research, synthesis, validation, development, and delivery phases of the Sustainability Plan. Engagement was widespread across the organisation to ensure the plan was inclusive and future focusing. Almost 30% of the 360 staff (representing a diversity of roles, experience, and seniority), and key external stakeholders actively participated in the co-creation of the plan.

Project impact and outcomes
An open and collaborative approach was an innovative way of working for the Port Authority and for sustainability planning in general. For many organisations, sustainability planning results in a document describing high level goals with initiatives and targets, but does not delve into the organisational change required to embed sustainability and shift mindsets and behaviours. This new way of working inspired staff to act because they were involved in creating the plan and helped to demonstrate the open and accountable culture the Port Authority wishes to embed.

The sustainability plan encompasses:
  • Over 40 social, environmental, economic, and organisational initiatives prioritised by staff across the organisation.
  • A stakeholder engagement framework to help staff continue to co-design and deliver initiatives together with communities and partners.
  • An operating model for continuous planning, monitoring, and transparent public reporting.
  • A roadmap for embedding sustainable practices and decision-making into the organisation.

You can view the sustainability plan here